Arzu Lone

Arzu Lone

Head of Family Department Associate Solicitor


Arzu joined Bell Lax in January 2023 as an Associate in the Family Department.

Arzu has worked in family law since 2008 and was trained as a solicitor by an esteemed family law practitioner and deputy district judge.  Following her qualification in 2015, Arzu practised as a family law solicitor in a specialist family law firm for several years, representing clients from all walks of life and on a variety of family law issues.

Arzu advises and represents clients on a wide range of matters such as:

  • Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements
  • Cohabitation agreements
  • Initial advice following a separation
  • Separation agreements
  • Advice during the mediation process to resolve child arrangements or financial matters
  • Divorce proceedings
  • Judicial Separation proceedings
  • Nullity proceedings
  • Dissolution of civil partnerships
  • Financial disputes including financial remedy proceedings
  • Third party involvement in financial remedy cases as the representative for a divorcing party or third-party intervener
  • Cases involving substantial pensions and business interests
  • Preparation of an application for a financial consent order arising from a divorce
  • Child arrangements orders for the children to live and spend time with parents
  • International child relocation cases
  • Cases involving allegations of parental alienation
  • Urgent Children Act orders such as prohibited steps orders
  • Schedule 1 Children Act 1989 proceedings
  • Property disputes between former unmarried couples under the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996
  • Domestic abuse including injunctions

Arzu has the relevant experience to deal with family law matters of varying complexity.

Arzu is listed as a Leading Lawyer by Wiselaw.

Outside of work, Arzu enjoys spending time with her family, gardening and swimming.