You may find useful information and guidance on the following websites:
The Court Service is an executive agency of the Lord Chancellor’s Department, which is responsible for the running of most of the courts and tribunals in England & Wales and provides the necessary services to the judiciary and court users to ensure an impartial and efficient operation. It is now possible to issue your claim online. Information is also available by telephone on 0845 456 8770, or from the Enquiries desk at your local County Court. They produce a series of free leaflets giving a step-by-step guide to each and every stage.
Moneyclaim online is a very useful website for issuing claims of a fixed monetary value and avoids the need to fill in and file paper documents.
The National Association of Citizens’ Advice Bureau is able to provide help, both online and face-to-face, with a range of problems from debt to defamation. You can find details of your local CAB in the Yellow Pages.
Guide to Small Claims in the County Court and how to bring or defend a claim. This site takes you through the different legal elements inherent to any claim and can provide assistance as you progress through the Courts.
This guide is mainly intended for use by small businesses pursuing unpaid debts. As such it deals mainly with claims for debt taken through the “small claims” process. However, most of the procedures outlined are the same for larger debts or for other kinds of claims.
This site was created to provide the public with access to their local law centres that dispense advice for matters such as small claims.
This site has usual information for the public and provides information on a wide range of legal industry matters.
Please note: Bell Lax is not responsible for, and cannot guarantee the contents of, these sites. Your claim may be prejudiced by a number of factors, including failure to act in accordance with the Court’s rules called the Civil Procedure Rules.