• Bell Lax pioneered no win no fee arrangements for commercial disputes. If you lose, we lose, therefore we always fight for you.

  • Bell Lax pioneered no win no fee arrangements for commercial disputes. If you lose, we lose, therefore we always fight for you.

Has your Child been Injured at School? Claiming Compensation is Simple with Winclaim.

Has your Child been Injured at School? Claiming Compensation is Simple with Winclaim.

Not all accidents at school are the fault of the school. Children can be boisterous and accidents do happen.  However, accidents can also be caused by a lack of classroom supervision, poorly maintained school premises and poorly maintained equipment.  If your child has been injured at school, Winclaim can help.

When your child is involved in an accident you did not witness, it can be a difficult time. You’ll want answers to how they came to be injured whilst under the care of the school. But with the majority of witnesses likely to be other children, it can be difficult to get to the bottom of what happened.

Schools have a duty to make sure your child is safe whilst under their care. Children won’t always appreciate the dangers posed by certain activities or actions, and all of this should be considered by those charged with their care. This duty of care extends to ensuring school equipment and premises are fit for use and well maintained.

The most common types of accident at school include playground falls, slips and trips in classrooms, dining halls or corridors, sports accidents and heavy fire doors which are not properly maintained.

It can often be difficult to prove blame for child accidents at school and cases frequently become complicated if the school argues they did everything in their capacity to protect a child from harm. You’ll need the strongest possible legal representation in order to reach a settlement that everyone is happy with, and one that adequately compensates your child for their injuries and experience. Winclaim can give you just that.

Winclaim: Helping you Claim Compensation when your Child has been Injured at School

If your child has been involved in an accident at school, we can help you claim compensation on their behalf. When you call us, you’ll be put straight through to a qualified lawyer who can give you all the advice you need and will be able to let you know there and then whether we can take on your claim. The claims process with Winclaim couldn’t be more straightforward; we want you to concentrate on helping your child make a full recovery from their injuries, so you can rely on us to take care of everything.